fredag den 7. december 2012

The old 54 liters fishtank

Lest we forget :-)

More pictures of the old tank...

Hello all,
lest we forget :-):

My son a bit baffled by the new fishtank:

2 x Ancistrus cf. cirrhosus or Ancistrus pirareta from Paraguay (20/09/10-100)

 2x Aphyosemion australe "Hjerseni" / "Goldlopez" (2/10/10 - 160)

The inhabitants of the old, old fishtank...

Just so I can remember what we began with...

2x Aphyosemion australe "Hjerseni" / "Goldlopez" (2/10/10 - 160)
10 x Zebrafisk, Danio rerio (20/09/10 - 100)

2 x Ancistrus cf. cirrhosus or Ancistrus pirareta from Paraguay (20/09/10-100)

Shrimps: 1x Atyopsis moluccensis (vifte reje) (20/09/10 - 50) and 1x Caridina cf. babaulti "Green" / Amano Caridina multidendata M ? ) (20/09/10 - 50)

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