fredag den 22. februar 2013

Cheap Nano Shrimp Experiment

Hello all,
Some months ago I set up a small Nano fishtank as an experiment.We had a large unused glass flower vase and I had a surplus of Neocaridina heteropoda (Red Cherry Shrimp, RCS) and I was interested in how well they would live in an unfiltered, small container without much food.

Cheap Nano Shrimp Experiment
 As it turns out they did excellent - they got almost no food and as a consequence the Shrimptank was kept crystal clear - no algae what so ever and the shrimps kept multiplying. And they did look nice on the table and was an interesting thing to observe while eating :-).

Cheap Nano Shrimp Experiment
 They had a bit of Java Moss and an Anubias for company and to provide some oxygen for them.

Cheap Nano Shrimp Experiment

Oh well, - if you happen to agree, disagree or be madly in love with me, please leave a comment or a tip :-). It really motivates all blogowners to keep blogging!

All the best,

tirsdag den 19. februar 2013

Pterophyllum scalares snacking on cat fish pellets

Hello all,
Caught my greedy fish (two Hypseleotris compressa, and four Pterophyllum scalare) stealing the pellets intended for my Sturisoma aureum and thought I would share. At least they got some vegetables :-).

Pterophyllum scalares snacking on cat fish pellets
Culprit number 1
Hypseleotris compressa snacking on cat fish pellets
Culprit number 2

All the best,
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