fredag den 18. april 2014

Clea helena (Assassin Snails) feeding frenzy

Hello all,
One of my Marisa cornuarietis ( a large, peaceful snail) was caught by a gang of assassin snails:

Clea, Helena, Assassin, Snail, eat, Marisa, cornuarietis, snail, aquarium

The Marisa must have been ill as they are normally elft alone by the assassin snails. But once one assassin had located the snail, the rest soon arrived and joined the feeding frenzy.

All the best,

tirsdag den 15. april 2014

Large tank images

Hello all,
Just a few shots of life in the large tank (250l / 66 gallon):

Fish, tank, aquarium, 250l, 66, gallons, planted,

Fish, tank, aquarium, 250l, 66, gallons, planted,

Fish, tank, aquarium, 250l, 66, gallons, planted,

All the best,
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